Summary: Snow-covered Korean terrain. Strafing runs of A-26 and B-26s - rockets and machine-gun fire. Air evacuation to Tokyo of wounded Marines- Visit of, General MacArthur to front. Korean refugees crossing Pyongyang River in crowded boats. Locations: Chosin Reservoir area, Pyongyang River area, and Hamhung and Yompo airstrips. Reel 1: A. shot from cockpit of A-26 on strafing run in Chosin Reservoir area of Korea. DS Snow-covered North Korean terrain. CS Supplies lying in snow at Yompo airstrip. CS panning L to R: C-119 parked on ramp on snow-covered airfield. CS: Troops (Marines) boarding a C-54 for evacuation to Tokyo. Int: Troops being put into C-54. Some are litter patients. MS from door of C-54 as litter patient is brought up to and past camera in C-54. CS A wounded American being given blood plasma. AS Mountainous region in North Korea. CS North Korean villages. AS Mountainous snow-covered regions in North Korea. ADS Long truck convoy moving along the highway. ADS Troops and truck convoys in small Korean city. MS T-6 aircraft taxiing on snow-covered Hamhung airstrip. MS T-6 aircraft taxiing and taking off from snow-covered airfield. Take offs are from R to L. MS Pan,R to L, of T-6 planes on the airfield. ADS of small Korean village, Kotori, showing parked trucks. Several shots of low-altitude passes over Korean countryside showing rough terrain across which the troops have to move in battle. ADS: U.S. motor convoys moving along the highway. Reel 2: Caption sheet date: December 11, 1950. Yompo airstrip. Marines evacuating emergency area. General shots of Marines loading on C-47. Information on C-47 - U. S. Marines. CS Marines load personal gear onto C-47. MS C-47 revving up the engines, taxiing out to strip and taking off. Pan shot of the Marines staging areas emergency evacuation. Marines grouped around tent area. CS Marines talking, personal gear piled in area. Good shots of Marines burning up equipment which cannot be carried out. PS Tents and equipment being burned, men preparing to evacuate. Caption sheet date: 11 December 1950. Scene taken from L-5 photo lane, Yompo airstrip area. A Marines coming out of the Chosin Reservoir area making their way over the mountains through rough terrain. ADS: Marine convoys along roadway pulling out of Chosin Reservoir area. Caption sheet date: 12 December 1950. Location, Yompo airstrip, Scene showing General MacArthur greeting other high officials. In scene the two, two-star generals greeting General MacArthur. MS General MacArthur shaking hands with the generals. General activity in bg showing the airstrip. CS Gen. MacArthur boarding his plane, the SCAP, C-69. Good shot of Gen. MacArthur saying good-bye and shaking hands with the other generals. LS Gen. MacArthur's plane, the SCAP, C-69, on taxi strip at Yompo. LS L to R, C-69 taking off. Caption sheet date: 11 December 1950. CU; Ambulance backing up to plane at Yompo airstrip. CS Wounded personnel walking from ambulance to C-47. CS Assisting wounded from ambulancc into C-47. LS C-47 taxiing on Yompo strip. CS Two C-47s parked along Yompo strip. CU stretcher cases being carried onto C-47. CS Wounded man leaving a Navy Corsair fighter and walking across to C-47 ambulance ship. CS C-47 approaching runway, Navy Corsair fighter parked in fg. LS R to L, C-47 landing t Yompo airstrip. LS C-47 landing, C-119 parked off runway. CS Ambulance backing up C-47 ambulance plane. CS Assisting wounded from C-47 to ambulance. Good shots of airfield, C-119, C-54s and C-47s, stationary, ambulances in fg loading wounded onto C-54s. CS R to L C-54 take off, Yompo airstrip. CS snowman in front of tent at Yompo. CS Marine putting a beer bottle in snowman's hand. CS: Marine giving the snowman a drink. PS Trucks and equipment at Yompo airstrip; cargo planes in bg. CS Ambulances. Good overage of the airfield. CS Marines standing near the ambulance. CS Truck backing up - C-54. CS Wounded walking out of truck onto loading ramp of C-54. Good shot of wounded getting into C-54. Reel3: Caption sheet date: 12 December 1950. Gen. MacArthur getting out of his personal plane at Yompo airstrip and being greeted by other high-ranking officers. CU Gen. MacArthur talking to a two-star general. MS MacArthur and officers walking towards camera. Pan R to L, of MacArthur leaving plane and ramp area accompanied by two two-star generals. CS MacArthur and other officers entering operations building. MLS Pan, R to L, of a C-69 taxiing. MS Gen. MacArthur and other high-ranking officers walking toward camera. MS MacArthur, followed by high-ranking officials, leaving building. CS Wounded GI being taken out of an ambulance. CS A group of Marines standing on the ramp, C-119 in bg. & soldier with his foot locker open showing a picture of his small child on lid. ADS from motor convoy moving along Korean highway. Reel 4: Caption sheet date: 3 December 1950. Over Korea. A: B-26 in flight over clouds. A Two B-26s in formation. ADS Korean coastline. ADS Small harbor area. B-26 in flight. A Taken from nose of B-26 on a strafing mission showing rockets being launched. A Two B-26s in flight over clouds. Int shot from nose of B-26 as plane lands. Two B-26s in flight. A. Single B-26, Napalm bomb attached under wings. A. Single B-26 n flight, R to L. ACS Looking up at B-26 in flight, rockets and Napalm bombs attached under wing. Caption sheet date: 2 December ,1950. A B-26 in formation as a fighter plane dives through the formation. A B-26 on a strafing mission taken from nose as rockets are fired. A: B-26 in formation. A. shot taken from nose,of rockets and machine gun fire on the strafing run. Several shots of strafing run, taken from nose of B-26. A: Taken from nose of B-26 on strafing and bombing missions. Dated 3 December 1950. ADS from nose of B-26, taken as plane is on a strafing run. AS B-26 in flight, rockets and Napalm bombs under wing. ADS North Korean terrain covered with snow. ADS from nose of B-26s plane makes a strafing attack on North Korean buildings in a small village. ADS Fire in a small village. ADS Bombing of troop concentration. shows small explosions on ground. ADS Very large fire along a railroad. Reel 5: Caption sheet date: 2 December 1950. Location: Pyongyang, Korea. CUs of Turkish troops that were bivouacked at the airstrip at Pyongyang. Several shots. Various shots of refugees on the east bank of Pyongyang River awaiting boats to carry them across the river. Several CUs of the Korean civilians awaiting transportation across river. Korean civilians Jammed aboard small boats that will take them across the river. Various shots of Korean civilians waiting along river for transportation across. Various shots of U.N. troops on trucks going back into Pyongyang for new defensive positions. Good